
A hardy welcome to all of our future investors and partners

You can own a part of a Cruise Ship! The Southern Star is a planned investment project for all of us. Investments are very affordable and the return on investment is only 12 months. This means you earn a lot more than sitting in a savings account!

Savings accounts earn at most 2% per year. Southern Star will let you earn over 1.5% per month on the cost of your stock!

Here you will find up to the information on the company status. The financial projections are found here and quarterly reports will be placed in a private link with your username and password.

Current Share Prices are $400/ share and are scheduled for an increase to $500 per share in the very near future.

First organization meeting information is here.

For more info

1 July 2021 – A vote of the partners was unanimous to raise the per share price to $500 per share. Share price will raise to $500 per share on 1 August 2021.

Additional information on Share proceeds are found on the financial projections.

2021 quarterly dividend is $181 per share first payment scheduled for fourth Quarter.

2022 Minimum quarterly payment is $254 per share to be paid every 3 months.

Results of the Partners meeting and minutes will be emailed to all partners on 1 July.

What does all that mean?  When you invest with southern Star you will receive a minimum of $181 dollars every 3 months for each share you purchase.

Your initial investment is made back in just 2 quarters.

For more information on Partner shares contact us at