Isla De La Plata ( Silver Island) – The Poor Mans Galapagos

Our Tour Dates


Where We Go

The Poor Man’s Galapagos, Isla de la Plata “Silver Island”, is a small uninhabited island off of Ecuador’s central coast. It’s near the town of Montanita and Puerto Lopez.

As part of the Machalilla National Park, the island is a nature lover’s paradise. It’s known for its many birds, like the famous Blue-footed boobies and Galapagos albatrosses, however, the island also boasts massive sea turtles, a wide variety of fish, Frigate birds, and at the right time of year Giant Mantas and in (June to September) Humpback whales!

The legend has it that the English seaman Francis Drake hid a silver treasure on the island during his time along the Ecuadorian coast. This would be one of the reasons why the island was given its name; Plata meaning Silver in English. However, there are a lot of places on Earth thought to be the place where tons of silver and gold were buried by the Drake and his crew. Yet, no treasure has been found until now on Isla de la Plata.

Another explanation as to why the island is called “Silver”, would be the reflection of the layers of birds’ poop visible from the continent. Researchers believe that the guano left behind by the many birds flying and breeding around the island can reflect the sun and create an impression of a silver halo hugging the island.
Others may think that in the past, the guano was collected from the island and sold for a high cost. The word “plata” in South America is often used to describe “money/cash”.

About the Poor Man’s Galapagos in Ecuador

An adult and baby whale breach near Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
An adult and baby whale breach near Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

The Poor Man’s Galapagos, Isla de la Plata “Silver Island”, is a small uninhabited island off of Ecuador’s central coast. It’s near the town of Montanita and Puerto Lopez.

As part of the Machalilla National Park, the island is a nature lover’s paradise. It’s known for its many birds, like the famous Blue-footed boobies and Galapagos albatrosses, however, the island also boasts massive sea turtles, a wide variety of fish, Frigate birds, and at the right time of year (June to September) Humpback whales!

Experience a Tour to Poor Man’s Galapagos

A Blue-footed Booby looks at the camera on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
A Blue-footed Booby looks at the camera on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

Visiting the island is only allowed through a registered tour operator. This is because of the island’s fragile ecosystems put under strain from human faults.

Arriving at the Island

Bailey on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

Treking Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

The Birds – Blue Footed Boobies and Frigate birds

isla de la plata tours let you see blue footed boobies up close in the wildlife
Isla de la Plata tours will bring you to see wild Blue-footed booby birds!

I began this tour with the expectation of seeing wildlife from a distance but not long after we started our walk we were met with a Blue-footed booby right on the path in front of us! Amazed at the encounter, I stood in shock wondering why this beautiful bird simply stood in front of us without any fear. I’m not a bird guy, but this was special.

Blue Footed Boobies are not intimidated by humans as they have no predators on the island.

Male Frigatebirds puff up their chests on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
Male Frigatebirds puff up their chests on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

he male Frigate birds have the strangest red pouch on their necks which is what attracts the females.

Learning from the Pros – Humpback Whale Watching

The tale of a humpback whale breaches the waters off the poor mans Galapagos
The tale of a humpback whale breaches the waters off the poor mans Galapagos


The Poor Man’s Galapagos is packed with amazing things to see and apart from birds, lizards, and awesome plants to taste and smell, the rocky cliffs make for some breathtaking views.

After exploring the island for 2 hours we head back to the boat.

Snorkling or diving is an optionwhich you should not miss while anchored at Isla de la Plata

It is great to listen to these magnificent whales communicate underwater.

The Snorkeling near Isla de la Plata

Bailey poses at the front our boat before we went snorkeling near Isla de la Plata
Time for a quick pic before going snorkeling!

Now it is time to snorkel some of the surrounding reefs and enjoy some time relaxing on the boat! The snorkeling is a good break after hiking on the Poor Man’s Galapagos island. The cool calm waters made for a fun time. If you’re lucky you might even encounter some Giant Mantas and  turtles!

You can also took the chance to soak up some vitamin D and enjoy the views from the sun deck of the boat. This is a good way for the group to get to know each other and share travel stories.

Humpback Whale Watching

A whale breaches off the coast of Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
A whale breaches off the coast of Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

During the trip from Bahia to Isla de la Plata you will exprience a number of  Humpback whales breaching with their young between the months of June to October.)


The coastline from a viewpoint on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
The coastline from a viewpoint on Isla de la Plata, Ecuador



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